How Coffee Shops Attract Beards

I love coffee shops. There's something about the aura of a coffee shop that makes me feel so relaxed and somehow inspired to actually do that studying I've been putting off for days. It's a mixture of the caffeine in the drinks and the energy from people enjoying a conversation or tackling an assignment that creates that special coffee shop buzz.

Sips, located on Prince Avenue, just across the street from Automatic Pizza and Ike & Jane, has perfected that classic and quaint coffee shop experience. At first glance, the location looks a bit out of place in a parking lot surrounded by a Spanish grocery store and a Mexican restaurant. However, a deeper look shows a brightly colored exterior and large, open windows that entice even the slightest of hipsters to purchase an overpriced Americano. The interior consists of a large, patio-styled room where coffee drinkers can enjoy some fresh air and a small shop, with a bar area inside for ordering and a kitchen area for staff. During my two hour visit to Sips, I was intrigued as to what makes a place such as this so appealing to such a specific crowd. Unlike places such as Starbucks and Jittery Joes, there was no abundance of girls in Nike shorts and pocket tees or guys in khaki shorts and polos. Instead, Sips attracted a crowd of middle aged men in bicycling gear, individuals in their twenties wearing circular specks whilst journaling in their notebook, and young men with long beards. I began wondering, what makes a place like Sips so attractive to this unique crowd?

1. Location, Location, Location: It's the most important part of any business and Sips has this perfected. Being on the corner of the intersection, Sips offers individuals the opportunity to quickly stop inside to order a coffee and pastry on-the-go. The location is also surrounded by stores that offer products for a similar market. Just across the street is a unique "knick-knack" store with salt lamps on display out front. Down the street is a series of old, rustic buildings that offer a quiet sanctuary for the curious photographer. This small area of Normal Town is designed to attract the not so normal crowd.

2. Offer a great space to gather: Unlike other restaurants, coffee shops are much more than their menus. Coffee is merely the factor that fuels conversations and work. The most essential element of a coffee shop is having space for people to sit and relax, a factor that Sips has also perfected with a quiet and calming semi-outdoor patio area.

3. Market to them quietly: What's noticeable about Sips is that their marketing plan isn't noticeable. They have a great logo on a sign outside, but you won't find that logo on any merchandise inside. They don't have posters advertising specials and they won't pester you to try their new latte. They simply sell coffee and a nice place to drink it, which is a great marketing technique in an industry cluttered with loud and obnoxious brands. The only "merchandise" for sale inside were thrift store mugs selling for an average price of four dollars and local Jittery Joes coffee grounds (a bit ironic since Jittery Joes is one of their biggest competitors).

So how do coffee shops attract beards? Don't advertise to them. Beards love quiet, uncrowded, and unique spaces where they can read all about the latest news in beard-care, judgment free. 


  1. For starters, I LOVE Sips. I am like you in that there is no better way to study than coffee in hand, sitting in a calm, relaxing environment that makes you actually want to study. I liked how you first began to depict the interior and exterior of sips in a way that helps the reader picture it nicely in their head. I thought it was especially interesting that you noted a big reason consumers love sips is their lack of marketing. I never really had noticed, but now that I think about it that is a huge aspect of why I enjoy studying there. It makes you feel more at home and not sitting in the hustle and bustle of a Starbucks or JJ's. The calm, hipster environment they offer is well-aligned with their laid back marketing tactics. Great insight into this coffee shop!

  2. This post made laugh because it is so true. The stereotypical "hipster" with their skinny jeans, beards that are perfectly groomed yet are grungy at the same time, sit at coffee shops with their journals or newspaper caps sitting on the desk. I think coffee shops attract certain types of individuals or audiences just as a sports bar would or a football game. Bearded men come to sit by themselves and enjoy their coffee or chat with friends and hang out. Bearded men who drink coffee never seem to be in a rush to get anywhere. Generally, fraternity boys and sorority girls have the same style and same study habits. They wait in line at Starbucks and rush through their order getting in and out as fast as possible to keep going on with their hectic lives. Bearded men are chiller. They are all about "stopping and smelling the roses" as Ferris Bueller once said. This post inspired me to be more like a bearded guy at a coffee shop. I want to just enjoy my coffee and actually sit down and taste it. Whether I'm sitting by myself or am waiting on friends, I just need to live in the present.

  3. I completely agree! Sips has done a wonderful job of recognizing their primary consumer and marketing directly to them. They have the insight to know that any marketing strategy that they implement can't be too overt or else their savvy and aware consumer base may go running to the hills. On top of this, with all the coffee shops in this city, it is very difficult to maintain a steady flow of loyal consumers. They do a fantastic job of being placed in a great location, and being discrete about their marketing strategy.

  4. I have personally never been to Sips, but after this post I am definitely going to check it out. I like that you pointed out that their marketing is subtle, and that it changes the types of customers that the shop attracts. The idea of not overselling merchandise and creating a relaxing environment helps set this coffee shop apart from other chaotic stores like Starbucks and Jittery Joes. Also, I agree that the unique crowd is attracted because of the unique location, and the idea that these shops attract stereotypical bearded hipsters is funny and so true!


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